Original Source: http://www.webmarketingindia.org/article/biorenewable-chemicals-world-market/
Increasing environmental awareness on the part of product manufacturers and the desire to reduce dependency on oil are the leading drivers behind the $2.4 billion global market for biorenewable chemicals (BRC) in 2010. This steadily growing market has experienced a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14.8%, a growth trend that is going to increase as the world resumes a more normal production page and new bio-based chemicals such as bioethylene come to market. By 2015 the BRC market will be worth $6.8 billion, a CAGR of 22.8% between 2010 and 2015. The largest region for BRC sales continues to be the U.S., which captured 21.6% of the BRC market in 2009.
The platform biorenewable chemicals (PBC) glycerin and lactic acid make up the bulk of biorenewable chemicals being sold in 2010, accounting for 79.2% of the market. There is a large range in market maturity for PBCs, ranging from mature markets such as lactic acid to nascent markets for chemicals such as succinic acid.
Compared to the platform chemicals market, the intermediate biorenewable chemicals (IBC) market is much more nascent, particularly in relation to its potential. In 2010, IBCs accounted for $574.9 million of the BRC market; however this will grow to $2.5 billion in 2015 and account for 37.0% of biorenewable chemical sales. The strongest growth will be for secondary chemicals such as polylactic acid (PLA), polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) and bioethylene that are used to manufacture bio-based plastics.
Biorenewable Chemicals World Market by SBI Energy provides key insight into current and future markets for biorenewable chemicals worldwide, with a particular emphasis on the U.S. market. The analysis includes definitions, current product offerings and market detail on the following segments:
- Industrial organic acids, amino acids and other organic compounds, made from biorenewable feedstocks such as corn, oilseeds and sugarcane, which can be used as the building blocks for alternatives to petroleum-based chemicals. These chemicals are referred to as platform biorenewable chemicals (PBC).
- Industrial organic acids and polymers that are manufactured from platform biorenewable chemicals and are themselves key chemical components for the manufacture of many other chemicals and products. These chemicals are referred to as intermediate biorenewable chemicals (IBC).
The report also analyzes the key industries that make use of biorenewable chemicals for their end products. These include bioplastics, cleaners, solvents and adhesives.
Report Methodology
This report contains primary and secondary data obtained from government sources, trade associations and publications, business journals, scientific papers, company literature, investment reports, and interviews with industry professionals. Statistics on U.S. production, imports and exports are from the U.S. International Trade Commission; European production and trade data comes from Eurostat; trade data for other nations comes from the respective customs office for each country and the United Nations ComTrade database.
What You’ll Get in This Report
Biorenewable Chemicals World Market provides a concise, focused look on the market for chemicals made from biomass feedstocks as it exists today, and shows where the market is moving between 2010 and 2015. The report highlights key players in the biorenewable chemicals industry and pinpoints ways that current and prospective competitors can capitalize on recent trends and spearhead new ones. No other market research report provides both the comprehensive analysis and extensive data that Biorenewable Chemicals World Market offers. Plus, you’ll benefit from extensive data, presented in easy-to-read and practical charts, tables and graphs.
How You’ll Benefit from this Report
If your company is considering investing in biorenewable technology, or is involved in petroleum-based chemical production and considering expanding its portfolio to include bio-based alternatives, you will find this report invaluable as it provides a comprehensive package of information and insight not offered in any other single source. You will gain a thorough understanding of the current market for biorenewable platform and intermediate chemicals, as well as projected markets and trends for these chemicals through 2015. The report also provides a concise view of the top application industries for available bio-based chemicals, outlining key drivers and barriers for these markets.
This report will help:
- Marketing managers identify market opportunities and develop targeted promotion plans for businesses looking to develop markets for both new and existing biorenewable chemicals.
- Research and development professionals stay on top of competitor initiatives and explore demand for bio-based chemicals as well as the downstream product market for platform and secondary biorenewable chemicals.
- Advertising agencies working with clients in a host of market sectors such as packaging, retail and commercial cleaner products, transportation, textiles or construction products to develop messages and images that compel homeowners, businesses and industries to migrate towards bio-based chemicals as an alternative to petroleum-based products.
- Business development executives understand the dynamics of the market and identify possible partnerships with feedstock providers, key organizations and biorenewable chemical manufacturers with unique products or processes.
- Information and research center librarians provide market researchers, brand and product managers and other colleagues with the vital information they need to do their jobs more effectively.