Ingrown hairs - Every time you remove unwanted hair from your body, no matter what method (waxing, electrolysis, depilatory creams), chances are you will get ingrown hairs. Both men and women suffer from this annoying problem.Arm pits, bikini lines, and legs are typically the areas in which women get ingrown hairs.While men get the problem on their face and neck.
The problem starts when hair is removed below the skin surface. When these hairs begin to re-grow they can curl up inside the hair follicle.The hair doubles over itself making it impossible for it to exit the surface.As the hair continues to grow inside the follicle it creates a foreign body reaction.This causes inflammation and a red ugly bump emerges on the surface of the skin.
Ingrow go will eradicate existing ingrown hairs quickly and effectively for both men and women. Ingrow go may also be applied shortly after using any hair removal product.There are no other products in the UK that can get rid of ingrown hairs as efficiently as ingrow go.