Pakistan Agribusiness Report Q2 2010

By Business Monitor International

At the start of 2010, Pakistan's government was still struggling with a number of policy decisions relatingto agriculture. Most pressing, was the country's large deficit in sugar production. In 2008/09, consumptionexceed production by more than 650,000
April 2010 $ 530

Spain Agribusiness Report Q2 2010

By Business Monitor International

Spain is holding the rotating EU presidency in the first half of 2010 and Agricultural Minister Elena Espinosa is using the period to raise calls for higher levels of EU support to its farmers as the reform of the costly Common Agricultural...
April 2010 $ 530

Venezuela Agribusiness Report Q2 2010

By Business Monitor International

Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez' interventions into the country's market for food and agricultural products have continued apace. In March, the government took control of another two of the country's sugar mills, moving in to r...
April 2010 $ 530

Peru Agribusiness Report Q2 2010

By Business Monitor International

In 2009, the value of Peru's agricultural sector grew by an estimated 2.3% year-on-year (y-o-y) according to the ministry of agriculture. If confirmed, this will have outpaced overall economic growth for the year which BMI estimates at 1.5% y-...
March 2010 $ 530

Germany Agribusiness Report Q2 2010

By Business Monitor International

In BMI's Germany Agribusiness Report for Q2 2010, we take a closer look at the country's pork subsector. Pork is by far Germany's most significant meat product. Production in 2009 of 5.25mn tonnes was more than double the combined tota...
March 2010 $ 530

Colombia Agribusiness Report Q2 2010

By Business Monitor International

The Colombian agricultural industry continues to suffer from the trade restrictions implemented by Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez, which have seen Colombia's exports to Venezuela fall by 77% between January 2009 and January 2010. The ...
March 2010 $ 530

Canada Agribusiness Report Q2 2010

By Business Monitor International

After a bleak season for most of 2009 whereby the prairie provinces in western Canada where hit by a severe drought and eastern Canada suffered through cool damp weather, a spell of warm, dry weather towards the end of 2009 looks to have marginall...
March 2010 $ 530

Poland Agribusiness Report Q2 2010

By Business Monitor International

A new law on genetically modified organisms set for consideration by parliament does not place an outright ban on GM crops, but it will make planting them prohibitively difficult and amount to a de facto ban. The effects of the legislation, as wel...
March 2010 $ 530

Romania Agribusiness Report Q2 2010

By Business Monitor International

Romania remains a poor country, but with EU accession and growing foreign investment the country's consumer markets are gradually beginning to resemble those of the West. As BMI has noted in past reports, Romanians are becoming increasingly co...
March 2010 $ 530

United Kingdom Agribusiness Report Q2 2010

By Business Monitor International

The United Kingdom's agricultural sector has benefited over the past year from the continued weakness of sterling. This has made exports of UK agricultural products more competitive on the world market. It has also raised the price of imported...
March 2010 $ 530

Argentina Agribusiness Report Q2 2010

By Business Monitor International

Argentinian grain production has been hit in recent years as crop failures, export restrictions and price controls have led farmers to turn to other crops, particularly soybean, encouraged by the high price for the oilseed over the past year as we...
March 2010 $ 530

Iran Agribusiness Report Q2 2010

By Business Monitor International

In BMI's Iran Agribusiness Report for Q210, we take a closer look at production of wheat, the country's staple grain. In 2008/09, wheat production plunged by a third following the drought of 2008. The outlook for 2009/10 is far brighter. T...
March 2010 $ 530

Mexico Agribusiness Report Q2 2010

By Business Monitor International

In the first quarter of 2010, Mexico finally began long-awaited trials of genetically modified corn seeds. The plantings came after years of wrangling over the issue, which has stirred up strong emotions in Mexico, the home of corn. A law to allow...
March 2010 $ 530

New Zealand Agribusiness Report Q2 2010

By Business Monitor International

At the start of 2010, New Zealand, or at least half of it, was struggling with unusually dry weather conditions. The El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon brought months of below average rainfall to the North Island in late 2009 and early...
March 2010 $ 530

Morocco Agribusiness Report Q2 2010

By Business Monitor International

Morocco looks set to post near-record harvests of its major grain crops in the 2009/10 crop year. We forecast wheat production to rise 69.1% year-on-year (y-o-y) to 6.31mn tonnes, back around the same level as the largest crop on record recorded i...
March 2010 $ 530

Algeria Agribusiness Report Q2 2010

By Business Monitor International

Algeria's agricultural sector is looking far healthier in 2009/10 than in the previous year. Drought in 2008,saw the 2008/09 grain harvest fall by around 40% year-on-year (y-o-y). In the current agricultural year,the losses are est...
February 2010 $ 530

Australia Agribusiness Report Q2 2010

By Business Monitor International

Despite continuing dry weather in some parts of the country we expect grain production in 2010 to be upagain on the 2009 level. Falls in production in the eastern states of Queensland and New South Wales,where El Niño-induced dr...
February 2010 $ 530

Ukraine Agribusiness Report Q2 2010

By Business Monitor International

While the 2008/09 harvest year saw almost unprecedented levels of production of Ukraine's three principle crops of wheat, corn and barley, BMI forecasts a much weaker performance in 2009/10. 2009's bumper crop amounted to 53mn tonnes of gr...
February 2010 $ 530

Saudi Arabia Agribusiness Report Q2 2010

By Business Monitor International

In BMI's Saudi Arabia Agribusiness Report for Q2 2010 we look at the measures this cash rich but food poor kingdom is taking to ensure adequate and affordable food supplies for its population. In 2008/09, wheat production plummeted even more t...
February 2010 $ 530

Cameroon Agribusiness Report Q2 2010

By Business Monitor International

In BMI's Cameroon Agribusiness Report for Q2 2010 we take a closer look at the prospects for the country's major cash crops in the coming decade. Growth in production of cocoa and coffee stalled in the late 1980s as farmers switched to pro...
February 2010 $ 530

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