Title Published Price

Singapore Autos Report Q3 2010

By Business Monitor International

After a particularly bad year for new vehicle sales in 2009, when sales were worse than forecast, a recovery still looks far from guaranteed. Total vehicle sales actually ended the year down 26.6%, led by a 34% drop in commercial vehicle sales. Sales of
June 2010 $ 530

Indonesia Autos Report Q3 2010

By Business Monitor International

Although Indonesia's new vehicle sales have recorded strong growth of 29% in Q110, BMI warns that this is compared with a low base in 2009, while taxes on second vehicles still pose a downside risk to growth. As such we would expect the rate of growth t
June 2010 $ 530

Poland Autos Report Q3 2010

By Business Monitor International

Auto sales have been rising in Poland, according to preliminary data from the Central Register of Vehicles (CEP). New car sales rose 37.67% month-on-month in March, when 29,606 units were shifted, the automotive research association Samar reported. The
June 2010 $ 530

Malaysia Autos Report Q3 2010

By Business Monitor International

Malaysia is returning to its pre-crisis sales levels after a rally in the latter months of 2009. BMI expects a return to positive annual growth in new vehicle sales in 2010, albeit at a slow pace initially: 1.3% yearon- year (y-o-y) in 2010, before stro
June 2010 $ 530

Thailand Autos Report Q3 2010

By Business Monitor International

New vehicles sales in the first three months of 2010 underwent a dramatic recovery, rising 54.8% yearon- year (y-o-y) to a total of 166,802 units, according to Toyota Motor Thailand, which compiles data for the industry as a whole. In March, the latest
June 2010 $ 530

Canada Autos Report Q3 2010

By Business Monitor International

The recovery in Canadian vehicle sales recorded in the latter months of 2009 has been sustained into 2010, although the first signs of a slowdown in the rate of growth are evident. Canada's sales for April were up by just 4%, showing the second consecut
June 2010 $ 530

Qatar Autos Report Q3 2010

By Business Monitor International

There are no comprehensive and reliable vehicle sales and import statistics available for Qatar, which has only a very small car industry, owing to the state’s low population (1.6mn in 2009). However, some dealerships do release their sales figures, mak
June 2010 $ 530

South Korea Autos Report Q3 2010

By Business Monitor International

We have substantially revised upward our expectations of sales growth in South Korea’s auto market in 2010. We now anticipate that domestic vehicles sales will rise 16% y-o-y during 2010 as a whole, compared with our earlier forecast of 6%. This would r
June 2010 $ 530

Australia Autos Report Q3 2010

By Business Monitor International

Report Description We expect a 5% rise in new vehicle sales in 2010, to a total of just below 980,000 units. This forecast may appear conservative, given that the first three months of 2010 generated total new vehicle...
June 2010 $ 530

Germany Autos Report Q3 2010

By Business Monitor International

Despite significant improvement in the global economic outlook, BMI remains concerned that the operating environment is likely to remain far from easy for European carmakers. Already faced with a much anticipated weak recovery in vehicle de...
June 2010 $ 530

Egypt Autos Report Q3 2010

By Business Monitor International

Report SummaryThe global economic crisis was a blow for Egypt’s automotive sector, but it was not as badly affected as in many other countries. A significant drop was registered in sales in 2009, to 200,000 units, whi...
July 2010 $ 530

South Africa Autos Report Q3 2010

By Business Monitor International

Report SummeryAfter a sharp drop in sales in 2009 in the wake of the global financial crisis and recession, South Africa’s vehicle market is on the up again. In the first five months of the year, sales totalled 195,77...
July 2010 $ 530

Philippines Autos Report Q3 2010

By Business Monitor International

Report SummeryJust how keen Philippines is on becoming a major force in the ASEAN auto sector is evident from the fact that the country's Board of Investment (BoI) has now established a committee to address the excise t...
July 2010 $ 530

Nigeria Autos Report Q3 2010

By Business Monitor International

Report SummeryNigeria’s automotive market took a huge knock from the global economic crisis, and while it is recovering, the pace is slow. Domestic sales fell to 16,096 in 2009 from 37,377 in 2008 and 84,389 in 2007, ...
July 2010 $ 530

Taiwan Autos Report Q3 2010

By Business Monitor International

Report SummeryTaiwan is aiming to become one of the world's top five electric vehicle (EV) producers by offering subsidies to EV manufacturers, supporting research and development (R&D) and setting up recharging sta...
July 2010 $ 530

Venezuela Autos Report Q3 2010

By Business Monitor International

The worst may not be over for Venezuela’s crippled auto industry as BMI expects further production cuts this year, on the top of the 17.4% y-o-y in output in 2009. Estimates from the Venezuelan automotive industry association, Cavenez, show...
June 2010 $ 530

Argentina Autos Report Q3 2010

By Business Monitor International

In its latest ‘Argentina Autos Report’, BMI warns that Argentina may not be able to reach its full potential for production and exports should inflationary pressures and the instability of the peso be allowed to continue in the long term. <...
June 2010 $ 530

Hong Kong Autos Report Q3 2010

By Business Monitor International

BMI highlights that Hong Kong’s private consumption faces the headwinds of a property market that islikely to decline in H210, which will act as a major dampener on a strong recovery in its auto market.Vehicle sales in Q110 almost...
July 2010 $ 530

United Kingdom Autos Report Q3 2010

By Business Monitor International

Just as European carmakers seemed to be settling into a period of improved finance and an upturn in themarket, the Greek debt crisis has emerged as a fresh threat to the region's recovery. Although the domesticauto market in the U...
July 2010 $ 530

Morocco Autos Report Q3 2010

By Business Monitor International

Local production of motor vehicles underwent a decline in 2009, in common with most auto marketsaround the world, owing to the effects of the global economic downturn on consumer demand. Totaloutput of new vehicles was 23,370, a 4...
July 2010 $ 530

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