By Business Insights

The key factor in the current scenario for next-generation omics-based diagnostic technologies is the level of accuracy in the results, followed by the capacity to detect early, and cost. Cost currently remains a major constraint, as people and he...
March 2010 $ 3835

Dnaprint Genomics Inc-Detailed Product Pipeline

By Life Science Analytics

Dnaprint Genomics Inc-Detailed Product Pipeline Pipeline Report contains detailed information on pipelines by phase and therapeutic indication as well as management information,deals and alliances and recent news on the company including key milestones.
January 2010 $ 750

Oryzon genomics-Company Report

By Life Science Analytics

Oryzon genomics-Company Report is a private Company Report that provides up to date insight into the structure and operations of privately-held pharmaceutical, biotechnology and biomedical companies.
January 2010 $ 750

Rosetta Genomics Ltd.-Detailed Product Pipeline

By Life Science Analytics

Rosetta Genomics Ltd.-Detailed Product Pipeline Pipeline Report contains detailed information on pipelines by phase and therapeutic indication as well as management information,deals and alliances and recent news on the company including key milestones.
January 2010 $ 750

DNAprint Genomics, Inc.-Deals & Alliances Report

By Life Science Analytics

DNAprint Genomics, Inc.-Deals & Alliances Report contains the company’s contact information, business summary, company details, tables, graphs and listings of the number of deals by deal category (product, technology, miscellaneous), stage of development, list of partners, deal types (l...
January 2010 $ 600

Rosetta Genomics, Ltd.-Deals & Alliances Report

By Life Science Analytics

Rosetta Genomics, Ltd.-Deals & Alliances Report contains the company’s contact information, business summary, company details, tables, graphs and listings of the number of deals by deal category (product, technology, miscellaneous), stage of development, list of partners, deal types (li...
January 2010 $ 600

Dnaprint Genomics Inc-Therapeutic Competitors

By Life Science Analytics

Dnaprint Genomics Inc-Therapeutic Competitors includes a business summary, tabular representation of the number and percentage of products in each therapeutic indication, all company products listed with indication and stage of development, and competitors by therapeutic indication. The...
January 2010 $ 350

Rosetta Genomics Ltd.-Therapeutic Competitors

By Life Science Analytics

Rosetta Genomics Ltd.-Therapeutic Competitors includes a business summary, tabular representation of the number and percentage of products in each therapeutic indication, all company products listed with indication and stage of development, and competitors by therapeutic indication. The...
January 2010 $ 350

Innovations in Combating Infectious Diseases: Opportunities in therapeutics and diagnostics through application of proteomics, genomics, nanotechnology, and novel sources of lead generation

By Business Insights

Report SummaryInfectious disease is not merely a problem of the past; despite significant breakthroughs achieved during the last century in the development of antibiotic, antiviral, and antiparasitic drugs and vaccine...
July 2010 $ 3835

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