Dallas, TX: ReportsandReports announce it will carry China Animal Vaccine Industry Report, 2009-2010 Market Research Report in its Store.

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China’s animal vaccine market has grown up steadily despite all the twists and turns in the livestock and poultry breeding market over the past four years. In 2009, the market scale reached around RMB6.2 billion, up 14.8% year-on-year, and will keep expanding with the development of the livestock and poultry breeding market.

Restricted by people’s living habits and economic conditions, animal vaccine R&D and production in China mainly focuses on economic animal vaccines. In the meantime, the development of traditional national compulsory vaccines such as foot and mouth disease vaccine, bird flu vaccine, blue ear disease vaccine, hog cholera vaccine in China are relatively mature as a result of national animal vaccine procurement policies. In 2009, the compulsory vaccines accounted for over 86% shares in the entire animal vaccine market, which was basically shared by domestic companies. China Animal Husbandry Industry Co., Ltd. (CAHIC), Yebio Bioengineering Co., Ltd. (Yebio QD), Inner Mongolia Jinyu Group Co., Ltd. (Jinyu Group), Harbin Pharmaceutical Group Bio-vaccine Co., Ltd. (formerly “The First Bio-product Manufactory of Heilongjiang Province”) and Xinjiang Tecon Animal Husbandry Bio-technology Co., Ltd. (Tecon) accounted for 66.7% shares. However, commercial animal vaccines, pet vaccines in particular, had a higher dependence on import. Imported pet vaccines approximately accounted for 70% of total domestic market sales value, and 30% of total domestic market sales volume.

Besides the operating environment, development status, market scale, supply & demand, competition, import & export and development prospect of China’s animal vaccine industry, the report also made an in-depth analysis of the development, market scale, and development trend of global animal vaccine industry, as well as the operation, development prospect and advantages of China’s key animal vaccine manufacturers.

Table of Content

1. Animal Vaccine Overview

1.1 Definition & Classification of Animal Vaccines

1.2 Definition & Classification of Animal Biological Products

2. Animal Vaccine Industry Operating Environment

2.1 Macro Environment

2.2 Policy Environment

2.3 Social Environment

3. Global Animal Vaccine Industry

3.1 Overview

3.2 Market Scale

3.3 Key Countries and Regions

3.3.1 USA

3.3.2 Europe

3.4 Development Prospect

4. China’s Animal Vaccine Industry

4.1 Overview

4.2 Market Scale

4.3 Supply & Demand

4.4 Competition

4.5 Import & Export

4.5.1 Export

4.5.2 Import

4.6 Development Prospect

5. Animal Vaccine Market Segments in China

5.1 Swine Vaccines

5.2 Poultry Vaccines

5.3 Cattle & Sheep Vaccines

5.4 Pet Vaccines

6. Key Manufacturers


6.1.1 Company Profile

6.1.2 Operation

6.1.3 Animal Vaccine Business

6.1.4 Animal Vaccine Business Development Prospect & Advantages

6.2 Jinyu Group

6.2.1 Company Profile

6.2.2 Operation

6.2.3 Animal Vaccine Business

6.2.4 Animal Vaccine Business Development Prospect & Advantages

6.3 Tecon

6.3.1 Company Profile

6.3.2 Operation

6.3.3 Animal Vaccine Business

6.3.4 Animal Vaccine Business Development Prospect

6.4 Ningbo Tech-Bank

6.4.1 Company Profile

6.4.2 Operation

6.4.3 Chengdu Tech-Bank (formerly Chengdu Jinghua)

6.5 Shenghua Biok

6.5.1 Company Profile

6.5.2 Operation

6.5.3 Yebio QD

6.6 Huasun Group

6.6.1 Company Profile

6.6.2 Operation

6.6.3 Sichuan Huasun

6.7Harbin Pharmaceutical Group

6.7.1 Company Profile

6.7.2 Animal Vaccine Business Status Quo & Prospect

6.8 Foreign Manufacturers in China

6.8.1 Merial

6.8.2 Boehringer-Ingelheim

6.8.3 Bayer

6.8.4 Novartis

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Related Reports:

Research Report on China’s Animal Vaccine Industry, 2009

China Animal Vaccine Industry Report, 2006-2009

Research Report on China’s foot-and-mouth disease Vaccine (FMD Vaccine) Industry, 2009

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