Morocco Agribusiness Report Q3 2010

By Business Monitor International

BMI View: Some sectors are expected to perform impressively, though agriculture remains generally fragmented and inefficient. Pork and poultry can be singled out as particularly strong and are expected to grow 48.6% and 52.1% respectively o...
June 2010 $ 530

New Zealand Agribusiness Report Q3 2010

By Business Monitor International

BMI View: The country has a highly efficient agricultural economy, which is a major contributor to export revenues. Despite advancement, we believe further modest gains can still be made via efficiency improvements. However, we see downside...
June 2010 $ 530

Italy Agribusiness Report Q3 2010

By Business Monitor International

BMI View: While 2009 saw a relatively weak performance in terms of volume of agricultural produce for Italy, the situation is expected to improve. Low milk prices in Italy and Europe in general are beginning to rise, as are grains prices. A...
June 2010 $ 530

Colombia Agribusiness Report Q3 2010

By Business Monitor International

BMI View: The first round of the presidential elections took place in Colombia on May 30 2010. Neitherof the two leading candidates - former Defence Minister Juan Manuel Santos and Green Party leader andformer Bogotá mayor, Antana...
July 2010 $ 530

Kazakhstan Agribusiness Report Q3 2010

By Business Monitor International

BMI View: A government drive to improve domestic food self-sufficiency, coupled with a state desire to achieve greater economic diversification, are two factors behind our generally favourable growth outlooks for agricultural commodities ov...
June 2010 $ 530

Japan Agribusiness Report Q3 2010

By Business Monitor International

BMI View: As the Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama left office after being in power for less than nine months, his successor Naoto Kan was left to take charge of the increasing bleak outlook for livestock production in the southern island of Ky...
June 2010 $ 530

Canada Agribusiness Report Q3 2010

By Business Monitor International

BMI View: Canadian agriculture is facing mixed prospects. Some sectors will see strong growth by developed country standards, with poultry consumption growing by 10% and corn consumption growing 25% over the medium term to 2013/14. However,...
June 2010 $ 530

Brazil Agribusiness Report Q3 2010

By Business Monitor International

BMI View: Despite consistent growth in population and domestic incomes, Brazilian agricultural production will continue to rely extensively on exports. We expect growth in almost all sectors, with soybeans, poultry, corn, coffee and sugar l...
June 2010 $ 530

Iran Agribusiness Report Q3 2010

By Business Monitor International

BMI View: Grains production in 2009/10 has been stronger than expected after the disastrous 2008/09 season, which saw severe droughts result in grains production dropping by a third. Although the sector has failed to recover to the levels s...
June 2010 $ 530

Mexico Agribusiness Report Q3 2010

By Business Monitor International

BMI View: The Mexican agricultural sector continues to contend with the effects of the economic recession, as the country has been slower to emerge from recession than we had previously anticipated. Domestic demand has been hit as consumers...
June 2010 $ 530

Argentina Agribusiness Report Q3 2010

By Business Monitor International

BMI View: The uneasy relationship between the Argentinian government and the agricultural sector once again came to the fore in Q210. Exports of soybean and grains were halted for more than a week in March 2010 after dockworkers went on str...
June 2010 $ 530

Romania Agribusiness Report Q3 2010

By Business Monitor International

BMI View: We expect 2009's devastating economic contraction of around 7.0% to continue to cast a shadow over both supply and demand for most agricultural commodities in 2009. With a large proportion of Romanian producers independent and mod...
June 2010 $ 530

Cameroon Agribusiness Report Q3 2010

By Business Monitor International

BMI View: Our Core View for Cameroon's agricultural sector envisages another year of strong growth for the country's cocoa industry. We also anticipate the continuation of steady growth and development from Cameroon's coffee industry. In recent months,
June 2010 $ 530

Greece Agribusiness Report Q3 2010

By Business Monitor International

BMI View: The tough fiscal consolidation plan that Greece has committed to in exchange for an EU and IMF bailout will cause no small measure of pain in agriculture. On the supply side, farmers will struggle to secure credit, investment will suffer and
June 2010 $ 530

Australia Agribusiness Report Q3 2010

By Business Monitor International

Report DescriptionBMI View: Australia will see growth across all agricultural sectors following their recovery from consistent droughts in 2002. As a developed state, Australia will not expect to see large consumption...
June 2010 $ 530

Ukraine Agribusiness Report Q3 2010

By Business Monitor International

BMI View: Some sectors are expected to perform impressively, though agriculture remains generally fragmented and inefficient. Pork and poultry can be singled out as particularly strong and are expected to grow 48.6% and 52.1% respectively o...
June 2010 $ 530

Germany Agribusiness Report Q3 2010

By Business Monitor International

Report SummaryBMI View: Germany comfortably leads the way in several areas of EU agriculture, and we are forecasting strong growth in production of several commodities over the coming years. The country is the EU's top ...
July 2010 $ 530

Venezuela Agribusiness Report Q3 2010

By Business Monitor International

Report SummeryBMI View: The Venezuelan agriculture industry's woes continue to mount under the constraints of President Hugo Chávez's 'socialist revolution.' The government continued to tighten its gr...
July 2010 $ 530

United States Agribusiness Report Q3 2010

By Business Monitor International

BMI View: As the world economy continues to recover, demand for many of the US's agriculturalproducts on the global market is picking up. In the first four months of 2010, the latest period for whichdata was available, exports of ...
July 2010 $ 530

Peru Agribusiness Report Q3 2010

By Business Monitor International

BMI View: In Q210, the EU signed a free trade agreement with Peru and Colombia, after a lengthyprocess of negotiations. The deal was agreed on March 1 and signed at the summit between the EU andLatin American and Caribbean nations...
July 2010 $ 530

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